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Vitamin D3 📋38459491Association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and vitamin D dietary supplementation and risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality among adults with hypertension
Ginger 📋38461442Effect of ginger and P6 acupressure on chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: a randomized controlled study
Omega-3 Fatty Acids 📋38625900Dietary n-3 fatty acids intake and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with pre-diabetes and diabetes
Melatonin 📋38293391Comprehensive review of melatonin as a promising nutritional and nutraceutical supplement
Curcumin 📋38141282Targeted therapies of curcumin focus on its therapeutic benefits in cancers and human health: Molecular signaling pathway-based approaches and future perspectives
Mushrooms 📋 38494231An Overview on Mushroom Polysaccharides: Health-promoting Properties, Prebiotic and Gut Microbiota Modulation Effects and Structure-function Correlation
Coffee 📋38425440Long-Term Consumption of 6 Different Beverages and Cardiovascular Disease-Related Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies
Metformin 📋37541178Metformin beyond an anti-diabetic agent: A comprehensive and mechanistic review on its effects against natural and chemical toxins
Vitamin C 📋38146585Dietary Sources, Bioavailability, and Functions of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and Its Role in the Common Cold, Tissue Healing, and Iron Metabolism
Selenium 📋38202719Selenoproteins in Health
Ginseng 📋38139116Therapeutic Applications of Ginseng Natural Compounds for Health Management
Magnesium 📋38525719Magnesium Is a Vital Ion in the Body-It Is Time to Consider Its Supplementation on a Routine Basis
Essential Oils 📋 38000094Screening of the activity of sixty essential oils against plasmodium early mosquito stages in vitro and machine learning analysis reveals new putative inhibitors of malaria parasites
Garlic 📋37801762Health-promoting properties of bioactive proteins and peptides of garlic (Allium sativum)
Ginsenosides 📋37406390Ginsenoside Rh2: A shining and potential natural product in the treatment of human nonmalignant and malignant diseases in the near future
Moringa Oleifera 📋38370483Moringa oleifera (drumstick tree)-nutraceutical, cosmetological and medicinal importance: a review
Tea 📋 38425440Long-Term Consumption of 6 Different Beverages and Cardiovascular Disease-Related Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies
Carotenoids 📋37678712Carotenoids in Health as Studied by Omics-Related Endpoints
Probiotics 📋38399637The Potential Impact of Probiotics on Human Health: An Update on Their Health-Promoting Properties
Quercetin 📋38474512Quercetin, a Flavonoid with Great Pharmacological Capacity
Ashwagandha 📋38449731Gulf war toxicant-induced effects on the hippocampal dendritic arbor are reversed by treatment with a Withania somnifera extract
Astaxanthin 📋38163732Astaxanthin from microalgae: A review on structure, biosynthesis, production strategies and application
Cannabidiol 📋38487574Cannabidiol usage, efficacy, and side effects: analyzing the impact of health conditions, medications, and cannabis use in a cross-sectional online pilot study
CoQ10 📋38203745Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation in Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome: An Overview
Fiber 📋38165561Relationship between dietary fiber and all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Peppermint Essential Oil 📋35994817Peppermint essential oil: its phytochemistry, biological activity, pharmacological effect and application
Astragalus Root 📋37680711A review of the botany, phytochemistry, traditional uses, pharmacology, toxicology, and quality control of the Astragalus memeranaceus
Berberine 📋38144162Thinking About Berberine
Nicotinamide Riboside 📋37478182What is really known about the effects of nicotinamide riboside supplementation in humans
Resveratrol 📋38628180Exploring the multimodal health-promoting properties of resveratrol: A comprehensive review
Vitamin E 📋37571239Vitamin E and Multiple Health Outcomes: An Umbrella Review of Meta-Analyses
Lotus 📋 37457175A review on extraction, composition, structure, and biological activities of polysaccharides from different parts of Nelumbo nucifera
Olive Oil 📋38709531Consumption of Olive Oil and Diet Quality and Risk of Dementia-Related Death
Pomegranate 📋 38370077Phytochemical profile, nutritional composition of pomegranate peel and peel extract as a potential source of nutraceutical: A comprehensive review
Reishi Mushrooms 📋38572237Regulatory effect of Ganoderma lucidum and its active components on gut flora in diseases
Saffron 📋37736510Potential role of saffron and its components on miRNA levels in various disorders, a comprehensive review
Vitamin K 📋38406326Vitamin K: Infection, Inflammation, and Auto-Immunity
Wine 📋 38231704Beyond the Bottle: Exploring Health-Promoting Compounds in Wine and Wine-Related Products-Extraction, Detection, Quantification, Aroma Properties, and Terroir Effects
EGCG 📋38338914The Inhibition Effect of Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate on the Co-Aggregation of Amyloid-β and Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide Revealed by Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Fermented Foods 📋 38540834Plant-Based Fermented Beverages: Nutritional Composition, Sensory Properties, and Health Benefits
Food 📋 38578200Association of Cantonese dietary patterns with mortality risk in older Chinese: a 16-year follow-up of a Guangzhou Biobank cohort study
Nigella Sativa 📋37469646Black Seeds ( Nigella sativa) Medical Application and Pharmaceutical Perspectives
Soy 📋38520523Associations of soy product intake with all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality: Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study and updated meta-analyses
Anthocyanins 📋38672900Dietary Sources, Stabilization, Health Benefits, and Industrial Application of Anthocyanins-A Review
Cocoa 📋37764711Biological Properties and Antimicrobial Potential of Cocoa and Its Effects on Systemic and Oral Health
Fish 📋 38628271Health benefits of bluefin tuna consumption: (Thunnus thynnus) as a case study
Flavonoids 📋 38496846Flavonoids: A treasure house of prospective pharmacological potentials
Goji Berry 📋37836464Black Goji Berry ( Lycium ruthenicum Murray): A Review of Its Pharmacological Activity
Polyphenols 📋 38671877Dietary Polyphenols: Review on Chemistry/Sources, Bioavailability/Metabolism, Antioxidant Effects, and Their Role in Disease Management
Vitamin B6 📋38202006Relationship of Low Vitamin B6 Status with Sarcopenia, Frailty, and Mortality: A Narrative Review
Wormwood 📋36105486Artemisia spp.: An Update on Its Chemical Composition, Pharmacological and Toxicological Profiles
Bromelain 📋38398236Reduction of Post-Surgical Facial Edema Following Bromelain and Coumarin Intake in Traumatology: A Prospective Study with 100 Patients
Indian Gooseberry 📋 38475421Recent Insights into the Morphological, Nutritional and Phytochemical Properties of Indian Gooseberry ( Phyllanthus emblica) for the Development of Functional Foods
Kombucha 📋37174355Kombucha Beverages Produced from Fruits, Vegetables, and Plants: A Review on Their Pharmacological Activities and Health Benefits
NMN 📋37273100NAD+ Precursors Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) and Nicotinamide Riboside (NR): Potential Dietary Contribution to Health
Turmeric 📋38660018Turmeric shortens lifespan in houseflies
Andrographolide 📋 36177361Study on the mechanism of andrographolide activation
Barberry 📋38358731Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory effects of Berberis vulgaris and its constituent berberine, experimental and clinical, a review
Bee Propolis 📋36144852Propolis: Its Role and Efficacy in Human Health and Diseases
Berries 📋 38256917Berries vs. Disease: Revenge of the Phytochemicals
Chamomile 📋36615326Chamomile: A Review of Its Traditional Uses, Chemical Constituents, Pharmacological Activities and Quality Control Studies
Fruits 📋 38679915Health effects of drinking 100% juice: an umbrella review of systematic reviews with meta-analyses
Ginkgo Biloba 📋36996648Polyprenols in Ginkgo biloba; a review of their chemistry (synthesis of polyprenols and their derivatives), extraction, purification, and bioactivities
Honey 📋37447382A Comprehensive Review of the Effect of Honey on Human Health
Kaempferol 📋36235488Bioactivity and Therapeutic Potential of Kaempferol and Quercetin: New Insights for Plant and Human Health
L-Carnosine 📋37441273The therapeutic potential of carnosine: Focus on cellular and molecular mechanisms
Lycopene 📋35204241Bio-Availability, Anticancer Potential, and Chemical Data of Lycopene: An Overview and Technological Prospecting
Nuts 📋 36900459Composition of Nuts and Their Potential Health Benefits-An Overview
Patchouli 📋37110702A Comprehensive Review on Pharmacological Activities of Pachypodol: A Bioactive Compound of an Aromatic Medicinal Plant Pogostemon Cablin Benth
Phytoestrogens 📋 38602108Phytoestrogens: Chemistry, potential health benefits, and their medicinal importance
Pine Bark 📋38197571Prevention and control of jet lag symptoms and temporary impairment of cognitive function with Pycnogenol® in healthy individuals and in hypertensives
Thymoquinone 📋 36184707Thymoquinone counteracts oxidative and inflammatory machinery in carrageenan-induced murine paw edema model
Bee Pollen 📋38067498Chemical Properties and Biological Activity of Bee Pollen
Caffeine 📋37630983Overview of Caffeine Effects on Human Health and Emerging Delivery Strategies
Date 📋 36358976Biochemical Composition and Biological Activities of Date Palm ( Phoenix dactylifera L.) Seeds: A Review
Folate 📋37408570The evolution of folate supplementation - from one size for all to personalized, precision, poly-paths
Fucoxanthin 📋35983376Fucoxanthin: A Promising Phytochemical on Diverse Pharmacological Targets
Genistein 📋35579327Therapeutic potentials of genistein: New insights and perspectives
Mulberry 📋 37569399Blackberries and Mulberries: Berries with Significant Health-Promoting Properties
Myricetin 📋 35657723Myricetin inhibits α-synuclein amyloid aggregation by delaying the liquid-to-solid phase transition
Onion 📋38262524An ethnopharmacological, phytochemical, and pharmacological overview of onion (Allium cepa L.)
Piperine 📋35196422A critical review on the extraction and pharmacotherapeutic activity of piperine
Pomegranate Peel extract 📋37810640Pomegranate Peel Phytochemistry, Pharmacological Properties, Methods of Extraction, and Its Application: A Comprehensive Review
Rosmarinic Acid 📋 37836581Comprehensive Insights into Biological Roles of Rosmarinic Acid: Implications in Diabetes, Cancer and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Sea Buckthorn 📋36562043Phytochemistry, health benefits, and food applications of sea buckthorn ( Hippophae rhamnoides L.): A comprehensive review
Spirulina 📋36177108Functional properties of bioactive compounds from Spirulina spp.: Current status and future trends
Stinging Nettle 📋38542403Chemical Constituents of Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica L.): A Comprehensive Review on Phenolic and Polyphenolic Compounds and Their Bioactivity
Tomato 📋 34938764Solanum Fruits: Phytochemicals, Bioaccessibility and Bioavailability, and Their Relationship With Their Health-Promoting Effects
Vitamin K2 📋37051359The biological responses of vitamin K2: A comprehensive review
Aloe Vera 📋35154752Aloe vera at the frontier of glycobiology and integrative medicine: Health implications of an ancient plant
Apple 📋 38585613The correlation between fruit intake and all-cause mortality in hypertensive patients: a 10-year follow-up study
Bee Venom 📋38318188The current landscape of the antimicrobial peptide melittin and its therapeutic potential
Beta-Glucan 📋38494231An Overview on Mushroom Polysaccharides: Health-promoting Properties, Prebiotic and Gut Microbiota Modulation Effects and Structure-function Correlation
Capsaicin 📋38240083Pharmacological activity of capsaicin: Mechanisms and controversies (Review)
DHEA 📋36121077Dehydroepiandrosterone (Dhea): Pharmacological Effects And Potential Therapeutic Application
Docosahexaenoic Acid 📋38506781Circulating Docosahexaenoic Acid and Risk of All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality
Flaxseed 📋37970400Pharmacological, nutraceutical, and nutritional properties of flaxseed ( Linum usitatissimum): An insight into its functionality and disease mitigation
Frankincense 📋35243948Frankincense diterpenes as a bio-source for drug discovery
Fucoidan 📋34477470Fucoidan as an Autophagy Regulator: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potentials for Cancer and Other Diseases
Grape Seed extract 📋33202575Health Effects of Grape Seed and Skin Extracts and Their Influence on Biochemical Markers
Luteolin 📋38666435Luteolin: A promising multifunctional natural flavonoid for human diseases
Milk 📋 38397577Milk and Its Derivatives as Sources of Components and Microorganisms with Health-Promoting Properties: Probiotics and Bioactive Peptides
Oats 📋 37492342Nutritional and Phytochemical Composition and Associated Health Benefits of Oat ( Avena sativa) Grains and Oat-Based Fermented Food Products
Papaya 📋35206040Benefits of Fermented Papaya in Human Health
Phytochemicals 📋 38498532Phytochemicals and Their Usefulness in the Maintenance of Health
Prebiotics 📋38338581An Update on Prebiotics and on Their Health Effects
Pterostilbene 📋38155902Stilbenes: a promising small molecule modulator for epigenetic regulation in human diseases
Rice 📋 36501323Wheat and Rice beyond Phenolic Acids: Genetics, Identification Database, Antioxidant Properties, and Potential Health Effects
Seaweeds 📋 37835294Rehashing Our Insight of Seaweeds as a Potential Source of Foods, Nutraceuticals, and Pharmaceuticals
Serrapeptase 📋36291677Serratiopeptidase: An integrated View of Multifaceted Therapeutic Enzyme
Silymarin 📋36014565Mechanistic Insights into the Pharmacological Significance of Silymarin
Spearmint Essential Oil 📋35212344Bioactive properties of the aromatic molecules of spearmint ( Mentha spicata L.) essential oil: a review
Tea Polyphenols 📋 38056775Biological Potential and Mechanisms of Tea's Bioactive Compounds in Tea: An Updated Review
Vitamins 📋 36437027Emergence of Novel Functions of Vitamins for the Prevention of Life-Style Related Diseases
Zinc 📋38367035Role of zinc in health and disease
Alpha-Linolenic Acid 📋38625900Dietary n-3 fatty acids intake and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with pre-diabetes and diabetes
Argan Oil 📋35187023Argan Oil: Chemical Composition, Extraction Process, and Quality Control
Avocado 📋36609426Carbohydrate digestive enzyme inhibition, hepatoprotective, antioxidant and antidiabetic benefits of Persea americana
Baicalein 📋36902160Promising Role of the Scutellaria baicalensis Root Hydroxyflavone-Baicalein in the Prevention and Treatment of Human Diseases
Basil 📋38140476Sweet Basil ( Ocimum basilicum L.)-A Review of Its Botany, Phytochemistry, Pharmacological Activities, and Biotechnological Development
Beets 📋35333666Beetroot as a novel ingredient for its versatile food applications
Biochanin A 📋 38106650Mechanisms Behind the Pharmacological Application of Biochanin-A: A review
Blackcurrant 📋37823094Biological activities, therapeutic potential, and pharmacological aspects of blackcurrants ( Ribes nigrum L): A comprehensive review
Carvacrol 📋37887802Repellency of Carvacrol, Thymol, and Their Acetates against Imported Fire Ants
Chlorogenic Acid 📋38612964Chlorogenic Acid: A Systematic Review on the Biological Functions, Mechanistic Actions, and Therapeutic Potentials
Citrus Fruits 📋 35204122Bioactive Compounds of Citrus Fruits: A Review of Composition and Health Benefits of Carotenoids, Flavonoids, Limonoids, and Terpenes
Clove Essential Oil 📋 38671935Clove Essential Oil: Chemical Profile, Biological Activities, Encapsulation Strategies, and Food Applications
Cordycepin 📋 35997091Cordycepin as a Metabolite with Pharmacological Potential: A Review
Dairy 📋 38397577Milk and Its Derivatives as Sources of Components and Microorganisms with Health-Promoting Properties: Probiotics and Bioactive Peptides
Emodin 📋 36027610Recent advances in the therapeutic potential of emodin for human health
Fish Oil 📋35589868Associations of baseline use of fish oil with progression of cardiometabolic multimorbidity and mortality among patients with hypertension: a prospective study of UK Biobank
Ginger Essential Oil 📋 37774171Using Ginger Oil to Treat Nausea and Vomiting Following Breast Augmentation Surgery
Grape 📋 36140883Bioactive Compounds, Health Benefits and Food Applications of Grape
Green Tea 📋35745040Green Tea ( Camellia sinensis): A Review of Its Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Toxicology
Kiwifruit 📋37763342Antioxidant, Antiglaucoma, Anticholinergic, and Antidiabetic Effects of Kiwifruit ( Actinidia deliciosa) Oil: Metabolite Profile Analysis Using LC-HR/MS, GC/MS and GC-FID
Lavender Essential Oil 📋37153408Use of Lavandula angustifolia essential oil as a complementary therapy in adult health care: A scoping review
Licorice Root 📋34961221Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice): A Comprehensive Review on Its Phytochemistry, Biological Activities, Clinical Evidence and Toxicology
Lutein 📋34681572Biochemical and Immunological implications of Lutein and Zeaxanthin
Mangiferin 📋 38137871Mangifera indica L., By-Products, and Mangiferin on Cardio-Metabolic and Other Health Conditions: A Systematic Review
Mangosteen 📋37187523Botanical characteristics, chemical components, biological activity, and potential applications of mangosteen
Medicinal Plants 📋 37516089Association of medicinal plant consumption with all-cause mortality and cognitive impairment in older adult: A large prospective cohort study
N-Acetyl Cysteine 📋37891946N-Acetylcysteine and Its Immunomodulatory Properties in Humans and Domesticated Animals
NAD 📋 34444817Effect of Dietary Coenzyme Q10 Plus NADH Supplementation on Fatigue Perception and Health-Related Quality of Life in Individuals with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Naringin 📋37570594Phytochemical Properties, Extraction, and Pharmacological Benefits of Naringin: A Review
Olive Polyphenols 📋 34836087Polyphenols, the Healthy Brand of Olive Oil: Insights and Perspectives
Oregano Essential Oil 📋35371154Chemical Composition and Antifungal, Insecticidal and Repellent Activity of Essential Oils From Origanum compactum Benth. Used in the Mediterranean Diet
Persimmon 📋 36840285Persimmon Leaves: Nutritional, Pharmaceutical, and Industrial Potential-A Review
Potato 📋 38436220Perspective: Potatoes, Quality Carbohydrates, and Dietary Patterns
Red Yeast Rice 📋35264949Red Yeast Rice Preparations Reduce Mortality, Major Cardiovascular Adverse Events, and Risk Factors for Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Sesame 📋38672826Sesame Seeds: A Nutrient-Rich Superfood
Spikenard 📋37916310Research progress in pharmacological effects of Aralia elata
Strawberry 📋36985683Bioactive Ingredients with Health-Promoting Properties of Strawberry Fruit ( Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne)
Thyme Essential Oil 📋 35911935Assessment of the Biological Activity of Thyme Essential Oil in the Presence of the Classic Antibiotic Tetracycline
Tribulus Terrestris 📋38375303Promising phytopharmacology, nutritional potential, health benefits, and traditional usage of Tribulus terrestris L. herb
TUDCA 📋31757001Tauroursodeoxycholate-Bile Acid with Chaperoning Activity: Molecular and Cellular Effects and Therapeutic Perspectives
Vitamin A 📋36466383Impacts of vitamin A deficiency on biological rhythms: Insights from the literature
Almond 📋 34201139A Comprehensive Review of Almond Clinical Trials on Weight Measures, Metabolic Health Biomarkers and Outcomes, and the Gut Microbiota
Aloin 📋 36173445Barbaloin: an amazing chemical from the 'wonder plant' with multidimensional pharmacological attributes
Amaranth 📋 37397203Amaranth and quinoa as potential nutraceuticals: A review of anti-nutritional factors, health benefits and their applications in food, medicinal and cosmetic sectors
Amygdalin 📋36618007Onco-immunity and therapeutic application of amygdalin: A review
Apigenin 📋36219848Insights into Molecular Mechanisms of EGCG and Apigenin on Disrupting Amyloid-Beta Protofibrils Based on Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Artemisinin 📋 38072951New clinical application prospects of artemisinin and its derivatives: a scoping review
Baicalin 📋37111327Baicalin-Current Trends in Detection Methods and Health-Promoting Properties
Betaine 📋37375378Betaine as a Functional Ingredient: Metabolism, Health-Promoting Attributes, Food Sources, Applications and Analysis Methods
Bread 📋 37545587Does sourdough bread provide clinically relevant health benefits?
Calycosin 📋 34035829Pharmaceutical Values of Calycosin: One Type of Flavonoid Isolated from Astragalus
Carrot 📋 36600678Carrot and carotene and multiple health outcomes: an umbrella review of the evidence
Catechins 📋 35727888Redox and Other Biological Activities of Tea Catechins That May Affect Health: Mechanisms and Unresolved Issues
Chaga Mushrooms 📋38116085Chaga mushroom: a super-fungus with countless facets and untapped potential
Chili Pepper 📋 35164163Antioxidant, Anti-Obesity, Nutritional and Other Beneficial Effects of Different Chili Pepper: A Review
Chlorella 📋35741941Microalgae: Bioactive Composition, Health Benefits, Safety and Prospects as Potential High-Value Ingredients for the Functional Food Industry
Chokeberry 📋37107325Health Benefits of Antioxidant Bioactive Compounds in the Fruits and Leaves of Lonicera caerulea L. and Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot
Chondroitin 📋33549530Functions of, and replenishment strategies for, chondroitin sulfate in the human body
Clove 📋 36313111Recent advances in nutritional composition, phytochemistry, bioactive, and potential applications of Syzygium aromaticum L. (Myrtaceae)
Cordyceps 📋36235111Chinese Cordyceps: Bioactive Components, Antitumor Effects and Underlying Mechanism-A Review
Coriander 📋 29864950Antinociceptive and anti-edema properties of the ethyl acetate fraction obtained from extracts of Coriandrum sativum Linn. leaves
Daidzein 📋37780202Daidzein from Dietary Supplement to a Drug Candidate: An Evaluation of Potential
Dandelion 📋37446683Dandelion ( Taraxacum Genus): A Review of Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Effects
Dihydromyricetin 📋35115939Mechanism of Dihydromyricetin on Inflammatory Diseases
Docosapentaenoic Acid 📋 38625900Dietary n-3 fatty acids intake and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with pre-diabetes and diabetes
Eicosapentaenoic Acid 📋36698925Associations of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid intakes with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in patients with diabetes: Result from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2008
Elderberry 📋35516231Elderberry ( Sambucus nigra L.) juice as a novel functional product rich in health-promoting compounds
Eugenol 📋 35145175Persistent susceptibility of Aedes aegypti to eugenol
Fig 📋 37995897Exploring the pharmacological versatility of ficus carica: Modulating classical immunometabolism and beyond
Fo-Ti Root 📋33485980Polygonum multiflorum: Recent updates on newly isolated compounds, potential hepatotoxic compounds and their mechanisms
Gingerol 📋 35251202The Antiemetic Mechanisms of Gingerols against Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting
Graviola 📋35208993Pharmacological Activities of Soursop ( Annona muricata Lin.)
Isoflavones 📋34251921Isoflavones derived from plant raw materials: bioavailability, anti-cancer, anti-aging potentials, and microbiome modulation
L-Carnitine 📋36632072l-carnitine: Nutrition, pathology, and health benefits
L-Histidine 📋33000165Benefits and Adverse Effects of Histidine Supplementation
Mango 📋 38137871Mangifera indica L., By-Products, and Mangiferin on Cardio-Metabolic and Other Health Conditions: A Systematic Review
Matcha Tea 📋 37894496The Content of Bioactive Compounds and Technological Properties of Matcha Green Tea and Its Application in the Design of Functional Beverages
Micronutrients 📋 36152810Essential metals in health and disease
Oleuropein 📋 31766676Oleuropein, a Bioactive Compound from Olea europaea L., as a Potential Preventive and Therapeutic Agent in Non-Communicable Diseases
Omega-6 Fatty Acids 📋36910895Omega-6: Its Pharmacology, Effect on the Broiler Production, and Health
Peony 📋 36501418Paeonia × suffruticosa (Moutan Peony)-A Review of the Chemical Composition, Traditional and Professional Use in Medicine, Position in Cosmetics Industries, and Biotechnological Studies
Phytosterols 📋 37899831Phytosterols in rice bran and their health benefits
PUFA 📋 37644429Associations of polyunsaturated fatty acids with cardiovascular disease and mortality: a study of NHANES database in 2003-2018
Quinoa 📋 37507952Nutritional and Functional New Perspectives and Potential Health Benefits of Quinoa and Chia Seeds
Rosemary 📋35010191Mechanistic Insights into Biological Activities of Polyphenolic Compounds from Rosemary Obtained by Inverse Molecular Docking
Rosemary Essential Oil 📋37915481Effects of Rosmarinus officinalis L. ( Laminaceae) essential oil on adult and larvae of Drosophila melanogaster
Royal Jelly 📋36771175Current Status of the Bioactive Properties of Royal Jelly: A Comprehensive Review with a Focus on Its Anticancer, Anti-Inflammatory, and Antioxidant Effects
Schisandra 📋35190748Research Progress on the Pharmacological Action of Schisantherin A
Sorghum 📋 38517029Sorghum phytonutrients and their health benefits: A systematic review from cell to clinical trials
Star Anise 📋37959797A Comprehensive Review of the Pharmacology, Chemistry, Traditional Uses and Quality Control of Star Anise ( Illicium verum Hook. F.): An Aromatic Medicinal Plant
Tanshinone 📋 36608501Tanshinone I: Pharmacological activities, molecular mechanisms against diseases and future perspectives
Thymol 📋37887802Repellency of Carvacrol, Thymol, and Their Acetates against Imported Fire Ants
Vitamin B1 📋38034619Thiamine and benfotiamine: Focus on their therapeutic potential
Vitamin B9 📋37309846Folic acid - importance for human health and its role in COVID-19 therapy
Vitamin K1 📋38092150A negative association between plasma phylloquinone and all-cause mortality in Chinese adults with hypertension: a nested case-control study
Acai Berry 📋36839349Açaí ( Euterpe oleracea Mart.) in Health and Disease: A Critical Review
Acemannan 📋 37514099A New Biomaterial Derived from Aloe vera-Acemannan from Basic Studies to Clinical Application
Allicin 📋35293826Current studies and potential future research directions on biological effects and related mechanisms of allicin
Anethole 📋 35464249Analysis of the insect-repelling mechanism of star anise extract and its major active compounds against Plodia interpunctella
Apricot 📋 35956966A Review with Updated Perspectives on Nutritional and Therapeutic Benefits of Apricot and the Industrial Application of Its Underutilized Parts
Arachidonic Acid 📋37746665Arachidonic acid metabolism in health and disease
Arctigenin 📋 36628833The therapeutic potential of arctigenin against multiple human diseases: A mechanistic review
Artichoke 📋38542782Functional and Therapeutic Potential of Cynara scolymus in Health Benefits
Balloon Flower 📋36087526Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC.: A review of phytochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and traditional use
Bamboo 📋37161800[Bamboo-based medicinal moxibustion for chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomized controlled trial]
Banana 📋 38585613The correlation between fruit intake and all-cause mortality in hypertensive patients: a 10-year follow-up study
Bergamot Essential Oil 📋35509838Pharmacological Properties of Bergapten: Mechanistic and Therapeutic Aspects
Black Pepper 📋34466087Antioxidant, antibacterial, and antimutagenic activity of Piper nigrum seeds extracts
Black Tea 📋36875437Dark tea: A popular beverage with possible medicinal application
Blueberry 📋35344717Recent advances in nuclear receptors-mediated health benefits of blueberry
Broccoli 📋 38260084Prospective cohort study of broccoli consumption frequency and all-cause and cause-specific mortality risks
Calcium 📋37053089Association of dietary calcium with mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease and cancer in people with hypertension
CAPE 📋 34789018Investigation of the anti-inflammatory effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester in a model of λ-Carrageenan-induced paw edema in rats
Chrysin 📋34449320Developing nutritional component chrysin as a therapeutic agent: Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics consideration, and ADME mechanisms
Coconut Oil 📋 38571463Virgin coconut oil - its methods of extraction, properties and clinical usage: a review
Copper 📋36414625Copper homeostasis and cuproptosis in health and disease
Corn 📋 38540758Bioactive Compounds from Pigmented Corn (Zea mays L.) and Their Effect on Health
Crocetin 📋 37736510Potential role of saffron and its components on miRNA levels in various disorders, a comprehensive review
Diallyl Disulfide 📋 34745287Biological Functions of Diallyl Disulfide, a Garlic-Derived Natural Organic Sulfur Compound
Dihydroquercetin 📋 37261284An insight into novel therapeutic potentials of taxifolin
Diosmin 📋36568270Plant metabolite diosmin as the therapeutic agent in human diseases
Egg 📋 37375561Eggs: Healthy or Risky? A Review of Evidence from High Quality Studies on Hen's Eggs
Ellagic Acid 📋37692691A Review of the Dietary Intake, Bioavailability and Health Benefits of Ellagic Acid (EA) with a Primary Focus on Its Anti-Cancer Properties
Eucommia 📋38545153Biological properties and potential application of extracts and compounds from different medicinal parts (bark, leaf, staminate flower, and seed) of Eucommia ulmoides: A review
Fenugreek 📋38407443Current perspectives on fenugreek bioactive compounds and their potential impact on human health: A review of recent insights into functional foods and other high value applications
Fisetin 📋37431899Therapeutic Potential and Molecular Mechanisms of the Multitargeted Flavonoid Fisetin
Glucosamine 📋33219063Glucosamine/Chondroitin and Mortality in a US NHANES Cohort
Goat Milk 📋 37691562Biological Relevance of Goat Milk Oligosaccharides to Infant Health
Gotu Kola 📋34463404Ethnobotany, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicity of Centella asiatica (L.) Urban: A comprehensive review
Grape Seed Oil 📋 38067541Nutraceutical Potential of Grape ( Vitis vinifera L.) Seed Oil in Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, Obesity and Metabolic Alterations
Haritaki 📋36051270A comprehensive review on the diverse pharmacological perspectives of Terminalia chebula Retz
Hawthorn 📋37788786Traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and safety concerns of hawthorn (Crataegus genus): A comprehensive review
Hesperidin 📋38486739Recent understanding of the mechanisms of the biological activities of hesperidin and hesperetin and their therapeutic effects on diseases
Hydroxytyrosol 📋 34828895Olive Tree Derivatives and Hydroxytyrosol: Their Potential Effects on Human Health and Its Use as Functional Ingredient in Meat
Hyperoside 📋 37854313Potential Implications of Hyperoside on Oxidative Stress-Induced Human Diseases: A Comprehensive Review
Icariin 📋 35886867Bioavailability Improvement Strategies for Icariin and Its Derivates: A Review
Irisin 📋 38137481The Role of Irisin throughout Women's Life Span
Jujube 📋 35807485Ziziphus nummularia: A Comprehensive Review of Its Phytochemical Constituents and Pharmacological Properties
Kudzu Root 📋33708108Pueraria tuberosa: A Review on Traditional Uses, Pharmacology, and Phytochemistry
L-Theanine 📋35445053L-Theanine: A Unique Functional Amino Acid in Tea ( Camellia sinensis L.) With Multiple Health Benefits and Food Applications
Lemon 📋 35923210Review of phytochemical and nutritional characteristics and food applications of Citrus L. fruits
Lemon Balm 📋35730441An Updated Review on The Properties of Melissa officinalis L.: Not Exclusively Anti-anxiety
Lemon Essential Oil 📋35143705Variation in compositions and biological activities of essential oils from four Citrus species: Citrus limon, Citrus sinensis, Citrus paradisi, and Citrus reticulata
Lemongrass Essential Oil 📋33619421Bioefficacy of Lemongrass and Tea Tree Essential Oils Against House Fly, Musca domestica
Lettuce 📋 35740055Phytochemicals, Nutrition, Metabolism, Bioavailability, and Health Benefits in Lettuce-A Comprehensive Review
Maitake Mushrooms 📋 38707308Unveiling the full spectrum of maitake mushrooms: A comprehensive review of their medicinal, therapeutic, nutraceutical, and cosmetic potential
Myrrh 📋38319389The therapeutic value of Myrtus communis L.: an updated review
Naringenin 📋37738874Biological activities of naringenin: A narrative review based on in vitro and in vivo studies
Nutmeg Essential Oil 📋 35567294Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) essential oil: A review on its composition, biological, and pharmacological activities
Osmanthus 📋35924042Secondary Metabolites of Osmanthus fragrans: Metabolism and Medicinal Value
Peanut 📋 35253912Review on chemical compositions and biological activities of peanut (Arachis hypogeae L.)
Pectin 📋38307429Insights into the impact of modification methods on the structural characteristics and health functions of pectin: A comprehensive review
Peppermint 📋36235263Mentha: Nutritional and Health Attributes to Treat Various Ailments Including Cardiovascular Diseases
Perilla 📋 37538863Perilla frutescens: A traditional medicine and food homologous plant
Pistachio 📋35956383Why Should Pistachio Be a Regular Food in Our Diet?
Postbiotics 📋 38569470Unlocking the power of postbiotics: A revolutionary approach to nutrition for humans and animals
Prickly Pear 📋 37050137Physicochemical, Nutritional, and Medicinal Properties of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. and Its Main Agro-Industrial Use: A Review
Puerarin 📋36358493Pharmacological Activity, Pharmacokinetics, and Clinical Research Progress of Puerarin
Rapamycin 📋 37191826Evaluation of off-label rapamycin use to promote healthspan in 333 adults
Raspberry 📋34913499Potential metabolic activities of raspberry ketone
Red Sage 📋32933217Overview of Salvia miltiorrhiza as a Potential Therapeutic Agent for Various Diseases: An Update on Efficacy and Mechanisms of Action
Rhodiola 📋30393593Rhodiola rosea L.: an herb with anti-stress, anti-aging, and immunostimulating properties for cancer chemoprevention
Roselle 📋38024072Exploring the Health Benefits and Therapeutic Potential of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) in Human Studies: A Comprehensive Review
Safranal 📋 37736510Potential role of saffron and its components on miRNA levels in various disorders, a comprehensive review
Senolytics 📋 36098323The costs and benefits of senotherapeutics for human health
Sesamolin 📋 37457142Effects of sesame ( Sesamum indicum L.) and bioactive compounds (sesamin and sesamolin) on inflammation and atherosclerosis: A review
Shiitake Mushrooms 📋35482469Evaluation of the biological activities of β-glucan isolated from Lentinula edodes
Soy Isoflavones 📋38484974Perspective: Observational studies involving low soy intake populations have limited ability for providing insight into the health effects of soybean isoflavones
Spearmint 📋 36235263Mentha: Nutritional and Health Attributes to Treat Various Ailments Including Cardiovascular Diseases
Spices 📋 35043421Indian Spices: Past, Present and future challenges as the engine for bio- enhancement of drugs: Impact of Covid-19
St. Johns Wort 📋36246064Hypericum perforatum: Traditional uses, clinical trials, and drug interactions
Stevia 📋34803554Natural sweetener Stevia rebaudiana: Functionalities, health benefits and potential risks
Sulforaphane 📋38397745Sulforaphane-A Compound with Potential Health Benefits for Disease Prevention and Treatment: Insights from Pharmacological and Toxicological Experimental Studies
Sweet Potato 📋 36192953The botanical profile, phytochemistry, biological activities and protected-delivery systems for purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.): An up-to-date review
Tea Polysaccharides 📋 35897856A Review on the Extraction, Bioactivity, and Application of Tea Polysaccharides
Thyme 📋35631245A Focused Insight into Thyme: Biological, Chemical, and Therapeutic Properties of an Indigenous Mediterranean Herb
Urolithins 📋 36079752The Therapeutic Relevance of Urolithins, Intestinal Metabolites of Ellagitannin-Rich Food: A Systematic Review of In Vivo Studies
Vitamin B Complex 📋 38211561Navigating the B vitamins: Dietary diversity, microbial synthesis, and human health
Vitamin K2 mk-7 📋 35774605Molecular Pathways and Roles for Vitamin K2-7 as a Health-Beneficial Nutraceutical: Challenges and Opportunities
Walnut 📋 38674873Exploring the Ecological Implications, Gastronomic Applications, and Nutritional and Therapeutic Potential of Juglans regia L. (Green Walnut): A Comprehensive Review
Watermelon 📋 36432573Watermelon Intake Is Associated with Increased Nutrient Intake and Higher Diet Quality in Adults and Children, NHANES 2003-2018
Wheat 📋 37048178Purple Wheat: Food Development, Anthocyanin Stability, and Potential Health Benefits
Withanolides 📋 35033733Withanolides, the hidden gem in Physalis minima: A mini review on their anti-inflammatory, anti-neuroinflammatory and anti-cancer effects
Yogurt 📋 36349966Yogurt consumption and risk of mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer: a comprehensive systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of cohort studies
Aged Garlic 📋34443625Black Garlic and Its Bioactive Compounds on Human Health Diseases: A Review
Almond Oil 📋 34056853Almond oil: A comprehensive review of chemical composition, extraction methods, preservation conditions, potential health benefits, and safety
Amino Acids 📋 36436367Functional properties of amino acids: improve health status and sustainability
Andrographis 📋37719535Physiological Activities of the King of Bitters (Andrographis paniculata): A Review
Angelica 📋35847034The Angelica dahurica: A Review of Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology
Anise 📋22848853Review of Pharmacological Properties and Chemical Constituents of Pimpinella anisum
Antioxidants 📋 38413467Association Between Dietary Antioxidant Quality Score (DAQS) and All-Cause Mortality in Hypertensive Adults: A Retrospective Cohort Study from the NHANES Database
Arjuna 📋34816025An evaluation of pharmacological healing potentialities of Terminalia Arjuna against several ailments on experimental rat models with an in-silico approach
Asafoetida 📋28725631Biological activities and medicinal properties of Asafoetida: A review
Ashitaba 📋28439780Angelica keiskei, an emerging medicinal herb with various bioactive constituents and biological activities
Asiaticoside 📋 36756687Therapeutic properties and pharmacological activities of asiaticoside and madecassoside: A review
Aspirin 📋 36973090Aspirin Therapy and 28-Day Mortality in ICU Patients: A Retrospective Observational Study From Two Large Databases
Astragalin 📋 37920216Astragalin: a food-origin flavonoid with therapeutic effect for multiple diseases
Astragalosides 📋37630371Pharmacological Effects of Astragaloside IV: A Review
Atractylodes 📋36034948Polysaccharides from Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae: A Review on Their Extraction, Purification, Structure, and Bioactivities
Avocado Oil 📋 34146454Avocado oil: Production and market demand, bioactive components, implications in health, and tendencies and potential uses
Basil Essential Oil 📋37403162Assessment of anticancer, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, anti-obesity and antioxidant activity of Ocimum Basilicum seeds essential oil from Palestine
Bay Leaf 📋 35567209A Review of the Botany, Volatile Composition, Biochemical and Molecular Aspects, and Traditional Uses of Laurus nobilis
Beer 📋 36935850A comprehensive review of the benefits of drinking craft beer: Role of phenolic content in health and possible potential of the alcoholic fraction
Beta-Carotene 📋35669276Disease Prevention and Treatment Using β-Carotene: the Ultimate Provitamin A
Blackberry 📋 37569399Blackberries and Mulberries: Berries with Significant Health-Promoting Properties
Boswellic Acid 📋35142408Molecular evidences on anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and memory-boosting effects of frankincense
Buckwheat 📋 34278850Bioactive compounds, health benefits, and industrial applications of Tartary buckwheat ( Fagopyrum tataricum)
Burdock 📋 34612502Fructus arctii: an overview on its traditional uses, pharmacology and phytochemistry
Cabbage 📋 35174750Red and white cabbages: An updated comparative review of bioactives, extraction methods, processing practices, and health benefits
Caffeic Acid 📋36614030Caffeic Acid and Diseases-Mechanisms of Action
Camellia 📋 33918918A Review on the Biological Activity of Camellia Species
Carnosol 📋 33049974Anticancer Properties of Carnosol: A Summary of in Vitro and In Vivo Evidence
Chamomile Essential Oil 📋37513455Matricaria chamomilla Essential Oils: Repellency and Toxicity against Imported Fire Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Cheese 📋 37328108Cheese consumption and multiple health outcomes: an umbrella review and updated meta-analysis of prospective studies
Chia Seeds 📋 37507952Nutritional and Functional New Perspectives and Potential Health Benefits of Quinoa and Chia Seeds
Chickpea 📋 37854353Nutritional composition, health benefits and bio-active compounds of chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.)
Chicory 📋33809449The Plants of the Asteraceae Family as Agents in the Protection of Human Health
Cinnamon 📋34045956Cinnamomum Species: Bridging Phytochemistry Knowledge, Pharmacological Properties and Toxicological Safety for Health Benefits
Citronella Essential Oil 📋34934146Impact of Cymbopogon flexuosus (Poaceae) essential oil and primary components on the eclosion and larval development of Aedes aegypti
Colostrum 📋37508251Bovine Colostrum: Human and Animal Health Benefits or Route Transmission of Antibiotic Resistance-One Health Perspective
Coptis Chinensis 📋 30963783Coptidis Rhizoma: a comprehensive review of its traditional uses, botany, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology
Cornus 📋 38274211A comprehensive review of Cornus officinalis: health benefits, phytochemistry, and pharmacological effects for functional drug and food development
Costus 📋33496131[Research progress on terpenes and pharmacological effects of Saussurea lappa]
Creatine 📋37368234"Heads Up" for Creatine Supplementation and its Potential Applications for Brain Health and Function
Crocin 📋37736510Potential role of saffron and its components on miRNA levels in various disorders, a comprehensive review
D-Limonene 📋34361686Neuroprotective Potential of Limonene and Limonene Containing Natural Products
D-Mannose 📋36694836Mannose: a potential saccharide candidate in disease management
Daisy 📋 38067445(Bio)active Compounds in Daisy Flower ( Bellis perennis)
Dioscin 📋 34919768Dioscin: A review on pharmacological properties and therapeutic values
Diosgenin 📋 35677108Diosgenin: An Updated Pharmacological Review and Therapeutic Perspectives
Dragon Fruit 📋 36678789Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant, and Other Health Effects of Dragon Fruit and Potential Delivery Systems for Its Bioactive Compounds
Echinacea 📋35567246Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench: Biological and Pharmacological Properties. A Review
Escin 📋32649293Phytochemical, ethanomedicinal and pharmacological applications of escin from Aesculus hippocastanum L. towards future medicine
Eucalyptus Essential Oil 📋 33389348Chemical composition and acaricidal activity of Eucalyptus globulus essential oil against the vector of tropical bovine piroplasmosis, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus
Evening Primrose Oil 📋21615974Chronic fatigue syndrome
Fennel 📋36803269Exploring fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare): Composition, functional properties, potential health benefits, and safety
Fish Collagen 📋34504861Marine-Derived Collagen as Biomaterials for Human Health
Frankincense Essential Oil 📋 31965826Insecticidal activity of two essential oils used in perfumery (ylang ylang and frankincense)
Galangal 📋29803568A review on the ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Alpinia officinarum Hance
Gardenia 📋 35066066A review of the ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of Fructus Gardeniae (Zhi-zi)
Geniposide 📋 35630796Updated Pharmacological Effects, Molecular Mechanisms, and Therapeutic Potential of Natural Product Geniposide
Geraniol 📋 32708169One Hundred Faces of Geraniol
Ginkgetin 📋 35631806Biflavonoids: Important Contributions to the Health Benefits of Ginkgo ( Ginkgo biloba L.)
Glabridin 📋 36647530Review on the Diverse Biological Effects of Glabridin
Glutathione 📋36386929Glutathione: A Samsonian life-sustaining small molecule that protects against oxidative stress, ageing and damaging inflammation
Glycyrrhetinic Acid 📋 38390501A review of typical biological activities of glycyrrhetinic acid and its derivatives
Glycyrrhizic Acid 📋35220130Recent advances in glycyrrhizin metabolism, health benefits, clinical effects and drug delivery systems for efficacy improvement; a comprehensive review
Guava 📋 35334323Guava (Psidium guajava L.) seed: A low-volume, high-value byproduct for human health and the food industry
Helichrysum 📋 34451781A Review and Evaluation of the Data Supporting Internal Use of Helichrysum italicum
Hesperetin 📋 38486739Recent understanding of the mechanisms of the biological activities of hesperidin and hesperetin and their therapeutic effects on diseases
HMB 📋33067129A Novel Fortified Dairy Product and Sarcopenia Measures in Sarcopenic Older Adults: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial
Honeysuckle 📋 37375383Extraction, Purification, Structural Characteristics, Health Benefits, and Application of the Polysaccharides from Lonicera japonica Thunb.: A Review
Honokiol 📋 38704945Recent advances of honokiol:pharmacological activities, manmade derivatives and structure-activity relationship
Horse Chestnut 📋38398236Reduction of Post-Surgical Facial Edema Following Bromelain and Coumarin Intake in Traumatology: A Prospective Study with 100 Patients
Hyaluronic Acid 📋37373443Hyaluronic Acid: A Powerful Biomolecule with Wide-Ranging Applications-A Comprehensive Review
Hyssop Essential Oil 📋35069979Hyssopus Essential Oil: An Update of Its Phytochemistry, Biological Activities, and Safety Profile
Icaritin 📋 37356700Icaritin: A phytomolecule with enormous pharmacological values
Iodine 📋34960019Iodine: Its Role in Thyroid Hormone Biosynthesis and Beyond
Iron 📋38489995Iron homeostasis in older adults: balancing nutritional requirements and health risks
Isoquercitrin 📋 35108650Compound screening identified gossypetin and isoquercitrin as novel inhibitors for amyloid fibril formations of Vλ6 proteins associated with AL amyloidosis
Jackfruit 📋 38144022Efficacy of jackfruit components in prevention and control of human disease: A scoping review
Jojoba Oil 📋38695844Bioactivities of Jojoba Oil Beyond Skincare
Kacip Fatimah 📋34662662Marantodes pumilum: Systematic computational approach to identify their therapeutic potential and effectiveness
Kimchi 📋 36718547Does kimchi deserve the status of a probiotic food?
L-Arginine 📋34251644Role of L-Arginine in Nitric Oxide Synthesis and Health in Humans
L-Tryptophan 📋34576067Tryptophan: From Diet to Cardiovascular Diseases
Leek 📋 37685158Functional Perspective of Leeks: Active Components, Health Benefits and Action Mechanisms
Lentil 📋 38501131Health-promoting benefits of lentils: Anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects
Lingonberry 📋 35306039Exploring Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. as a potential source of therapeutic agents: antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities of extracts and fractions
Lipoic Acid 📋36778891Molecular and Therapeutic Insights of Alpha-Lipoic Acid as a Potential Molecule for Disease Prevention
Maca Root 📋38398854Not All Maca Is Created Equal: A Review of Colors, Nutrition, Phytochemicals, and Clinical Uses
Malva Sylvestris 📋 36418467The phytochemical profiling, pharmacological activities, and safety of malva sylvestris: a review
Mastic 📋36678991A Review of Pistacia lentiscus Polyphenols: Chemical Diversity and Pharmacological Activities
Millet 📋 38425966Promoting Millets: Charting a Journey from Food Security to Health
Morusin 📋 34578920The Pro-Health Benefits of Morusin Administration-An Update Review
MSM 📋28300758Methylsulfonylmethane: Applications and Safety of a Novel Dietary Supplement
Myrtle 📋37464095A review of the biological effects of Myrtus communis
Myrtle Essential Oil 📋29026857Repellency Effect of Essential Oils of some Native Plants and Synthetic Repellents against Human Flea, Pulex irritans (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae)
Nattokinase 📋35883536Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Applications of Bacillus Nattokinase
Neem Oil 📋32409819Evaluation of Four Plant Extract Repellents for Management of the European Red Ant Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Neferine 📋 34779018An updated review on pharmacological properties of neferine-A bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid from Nelumbo nucifera
Neohesperidin 📋 36416093Recent advances in the biosynthesis, bioavailability, toxicology, pharmacology, and controlled release of citrus neohesperidin
Nicotinamide 📋34881075Pharmacology and Potential Implications of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Precursors
Nutmeg 📋38690209Therapeutic, and pharmacological prospects of nutmeg seed: A comprehensive review for novel drug potential insights
Okra 📋 35037792Biological activity and development of functional foods fortified with okra ( Abelmoschus esculentus)
Oolong Tea 📋 28678527Oolong tea: A critical review of processing methods, chemical composition, health effects, and risk
Peas 📋 37444265A Comprehensive Review of Pea ( Pisum sativum L.): Chemical Composition, Processing, Health Benefits, and Food Applications
Polydatin 📋 36235012Polydatin: Pharmacological Mechanisms, Therapeutic Targets, Biological Activities, and Health Benefits
Procyanidins 📋 37059021Procyanidin B2: A promising multi-functional food-derived pigment for human diseases
Progesterone 📋35887338Progesterone: A Steroid with Wide Range of Effects in Physiology as Well as Human Medicine
Prunella Vulgaris 📋37631021Prunella vulgaris L.: An Updated Overview of Botany, Chemical Composition, Extraction Methods, and Biological Activities
Pu-erh Tea 📋35337597Chemical constituents and biological properties of Pu-erh tea
Pumpkin 📋 38170139Pumpkin and Pumpkin Byproducts: Phytochemical Constitutes, Food Application and Health Benefits
Pumpkin Seed Oil 📋35904246The potential of pumpkin seed oil as a functional food-A comprehensive review of chemical composition, health benefits, and safety
Punicalagin 📋34574329Antioxidant Effect of Moroccan Pomegranate ( Punica granatum L. Sefri Variety) Extracts Rich in Punicalagin against the Oxidative Stress Process
Red Clover 📋34392659Pharmacological and therapeutic properties of the Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.): an overview of the new finding
Rehmannia 📋37907043Progress of research into the pharmacological effect and clinical application of the traditional Chinese medicine Rehmanniae Radix
Rose 📋 38169957Beneficial medicinal effects and material applications of rose
Rutin 📋32240467Mechanism of Rutin Mediated Inhibition of Insulin Amyloid Formation and Protection of Neuro-2a Cells From Fibril-Induced Apoptosis
SAMe 📋35159219S-Adenosylmethionine: From the Discovery of Its Inhibition of Tumorigenesis to Its Use as a Therapeutic Agent
Schisandrins 📋 35384105A review: Pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of Schisandrin A
Sea Cucumber 📋 37908979Research progress on the chemical components and biological activities of sea cucumber polypeptides
Sesame Oil 📋 37377483Physicochemical, potential nutritional, antioxidant and health properties of sesame seed oil: a review
Sesamin 📋 37457142Effects of sesame ( Sesamum indicum L.) and bioactive compounds (sesamin and sesamolin) on inflammation and atherosclerosis: A review
Shallot 📋 35983491Therapeutic Uses and Pharmacological Properties of Shallot ( Allium ascalonicum): A Systematic Review
Shilajit 📋36546868Effects of 8 Weeks of Shilajit Supplementation on Serum Pro-c1α1, a Biomarker of Type 1 Collagen Synthesis: A Randomized Control Trial
Spermidine 📋 36249217The association of dietary spermidine with all-cause mortality and CVD mortality: The U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2003 to 2014
Star Fuit 📋 33747490Nutritional and medicinal properties of Star fruit ( Averrhoa carambola): A review
Sugarcane 📋 37006937Vinegar: A potential source of healthy and functional food with special reference to sugarcane vinegar
Sulfur 📋35739933A Whiff of Sulfur: One Wind a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Taurine 📋35670160Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Metabolic Parameters in Animals and Humans
Tea Tree Essential Oil 📋 37033604Efficacy and safety of Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil for human health-A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Turkey Tail Mushrooms 📋 34947237Bioactives from Mushroom: Health Attributes and Food Industry Applications
Ursolic Acid 📋37893218Overview of Ursolic Acid Potential for the Treatment of Metabolic Disorders, Autoimmune Diseases, and Cancers via Nuclear Receptor Pathways
Vegetables 📋 35807307Should We 'Eat a Rainbow'? An Umbrella Review of the Health Effects of Colorful Bioactive Pigments in Fruits and Vegetables
Vitamin B2 📋36558504Riboflavin Intake Inversely Associated with Cardiovascular-Disease Mortality and Interacting with Folate Intake: Findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2005-2016
Vitamin B3 📋35466893Associations of Dietary Intakes of Vitamins B1 and B3 with Risk of Mortality from Cardiovascular Disease among Japanese Men and Women: the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study
Vitex 📋37446759Wild Vitex agnus-castus L.: Phytochemical Characterization, Acute Toxicity, and Bioactive Properties
Withaferin A 📋 34946778Withaferin A: From Ancient Remedy to Potential Drug Candidate
Yerba Mate 📋36059165Exploration of the main active components and pharmacological mechanism of Yerba Mate based on network pharmacology
Yiang Yiang Essential Oil 📋 31965826Insecticidal activity of two essential oils used in perfumery (ylang ylang and frankincense)
Zeaxanthin 📋34681572Biochemical and Immunological implications of Lutein and Zeaxanthin
5-HTP 📋333753735-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP): Natural Occurrence, Analysis, Biosynthesis, Biotechnology, Physiology and Toxicology
Acacetin 📋 32866514Acacetin, a flavone with diverse therapeutic potential in cancer, inflammation, infections and other metabolic disorders
Alfalfa 📋 36144213Nutraceutical Properties of Medicago sativa L., Agave spp., Zea mays L. and Avena sativa L.: A Review of Metabolites and Mechanisms
Anthocyanidins 📋 36501163Behind the Scenes of Anthocyanins-From the Health Benefits to Potential Applications in Food, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Fields
Apple Vinegar 📋35011451Fruits Vinegar: Quality Characteristics, Phytochemistry, and Functionality
Apricot Kernels 📋35892769Apricot Kernel: Bioactivity, Characterization, Applications, and Health Attributes
Arnica 📋28401567Arnica montana L. - a plant of healing: review
Asiatic Acid 📋 30233358Pharmacological Properties, Molecular Mechanisms, and Pharmaceutical Development of Asiatic Acid: A Pentacyclic Triterpenoid of Therapeutic Promise
Asparagus 📋 38254589A Review of the Pro-Health Activity of Asparagus officinalis L. and Its Components
Barley 📋32728756Emerging science on benefits of whole grain oat and barley and their soluble dietary fibers for heart health, glycemic response, and gut microbiota
BCAA 📋34930509Association of dietary intake of branched-chain amino acids with long-term risks of cardiovascular disease, cancer and all-cause mortality
Bergamot 📋27747942Clinical Pharmacology of Citrus bergamia: A Systematic Review
Beta-Alanine 📋37049610Carnosine and Beta-Alanine Supplementation in Human Medicine: Narrative Review and Critical Assessment
Beta-Sitosterol 📋35995256Multifunctional roles and pharmacological potential of β-sitosterol: Emerging evidence toward clinical applications
Betulinic Acid 📋 34577056A Review on Preparation of Betulinic Acid and Its Biological Activities
Bilberry 📋35847049Bilberries: Curative and Miraculous - A Review on Bioactive Constituents and Clinical Research
Bile Salts 📋 38664391Bile acid metabolism and signaling in health and disease: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets
Bilobalide 📋 34342079Bilobalide: A review of its pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, toxicity, and safety
Bitter Orange 📋29854097An Overview on Citrus aurantium L.: Its Functions as Food Ingredient and Therapeutic Agent
Black Cohosh 📋33861455Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Traditional and Modern Uses of Actaea racemosa L. (Black cohosh): A Review
Boric Acid 📋33518048Boric acid was orally toxic to different instars of Blattella germanica (L.) (Blattodea: Blattellidae) and caused dysbiosis of the, gut microbiota
Boron 📋26770156Nothing Boring About Boron
Brazil Nut 📋 36141050Effects of Regular Brazil Nut ( Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.) Consumption on Health: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials
Camphor 📋35566046Phytochemistry and Applications of Cinnamomum camphora Essential Oils
Cantaloupe 📋 34579288Nutritional Composition and Health Benefits of Various Botanical Types of Melon ( Cucumis melo L.)
Caraway 📋 30374904Caraway as Important Medicinal Plants in Management of Diseases
Cardamom 📋35581106Effect of Cardamom Inhalation Therapy on Intra-and Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting of Mothers Undergoing Spinal Anesthesia for Elective Cesarean Section
Carnosic Acid 📋 29682318Rosmarinus officinalis L.: an update review of its phytochemistry and biological activity
Casein Protein 📋36555278Does a Little Difference Make a Big Difference? Bovine β-Casein A1 and A2 Variants and Human Health-An Update
Cat's Claw 📋25495394Uncaria tomentosa (cat's claw) improves quality of life in patients with advanced solid tumors
Catalase 📋28384098Catalase, a remarkable enzyme: targeting the oldest antioxidant enzyme to find a new cancer treatment approach
Cedarwood Essential Oil 📋35076809Repellency and toxicity of a CO 2-derived cedarwood oil on hard tick species (Ixodidae)
Chitosan 📋34973801Analysis of clinical trials on biomaterial and therapeutic applications of chitosan: A review
Choline 📋19906248Choline: an essential nutrient for public health
Chromium 📋35807870Blood Chromium Levels and Their Association with Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes, and Depression: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2015-2016
Chrysanthemum 📋37860517Phytochemicals, therapeutic benefits and applications of chrysanthemum flower: A review
Cinnamon Essential Oil 📋20109248Acaricidal activities of traditional Chinese medicine against the house dust mite, Dermatophagoides farinae
Citral 📋 31971085In silico, in-vitro and in vivo screening of biological activities of citral
Clary Sage Essential Oil 📋32575103Effectiveness of Aromatherapy for Relief of Pain, Nausea, and Vomiting after Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Coconut 📋 36009697Coconut Palm: Food, Feed, and Nutraceutical Properties
Collagen 📋 37836047The Potential of Collagen Treatment for Comorbid Diseases
Conjugated Linoleic Acid 📋32605287Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Its Beneficial Effects in Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer
Coriander Essential Oil 📋36677754Essential Oil from Coriandrum sativum: A review on Its Phytochemistry and Biological Activity
Corn Silk 📋38398644An Umbrella Insight into the Phytochemistry Features and Biological Activities of Corn Silk: A Narrative Review
Cranberry 📋35268605Cranberry: Chemical Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Impact on Human Health: Overview
Cucumber 📋 23098877Phytochemical and therapeutic potential of cucumber
Cyanidin 📋 33740221Health benefits of cyanidin-3-glucoside as a potent modulator of Nrf2-mediated oxidative stress
Delphinidin 📋 35369062Chemistry and Pharmacological Actions of Delphinidin, a Dietary Purple Pigment in Anthocyanidin and Anthocyanin Forms
Deodar Cedar 📋 34166738Cedrus deodara (Roxb. ex D.Don) G.Don: A review of traditional use, phytochemical composition and pharmacology
Echinacoside 📋 37804927Echinacoside: A promising active natural products and pharmacological agents
Eclipta Alba 📋 34827736Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. (Asteraceae): Ethnomedicinal Uses, Chemical Constituents, and Biological Activities
EDTA 📋21366964Effect of topical application of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), EDTA on pitting edema and oxidative stress in a double blind, placebo-controlled study
Eggplant 📋 34938764Solanum Fruits: Phytochemicals, Bioaccessibility and Bioavailability, and Their Relationship With Their Health-Promoting Effects
Eleuthero 📋33212178A review of Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr and Maxim.) harms: From ethnopharmacological use to modern application
Emu Oil 📋25441585Review on emu products for use as complementary and alternative medicine
Equol 📋33920641The Influence of Plant Isoflavones Daidzein and Equol on Female Reproductive Processes
Eucalyptol 📋 376960871,8-cineole (eucalyptol): A versatile phytochemical with therapeutic applications across multiple diseases
Ferulic Acid 📋34481866Ferulic acid: A review of its pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and derivatives
Fir Needle Oil 📋 33670293Co-Toxicity Factor Analysis Reveals Numerous Plant Essential Oils Are Synergists of Natural Pyrethrins against Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes
Flavones 📋 27338492Flavones: From Biosynthesis to Health Benefits
Flaxseed Oil 📋37464425A comprehensive review of the health benefits of flaxseed oil in relation to its chemical composition and comparison with other omega-3-rich oils
Formononetin 📋 33962193Formononetin: Biological effects and uses - A review
GABA 📋36618705Recent advances of γ-aminobutyric acid: Physiological and immunity function, enrichment, and metabolic pathway
Gallic Acid 📋 32913125Gallic Acid is a Dual α/β-Secretase Modulator that Reverses Cognitive Impairment and Remediates Pathology in Alzheimer Mice
Gamma-Linolenic Acid 📋16935966Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and the pathophysiology of myalgic encephalomyelitis (chronic fatigue syndrome)
Garlic Oil 📋 37324866Bioactivity and health effects of garlic essential oil: A review
Geranium Essential Oil 📋 34910016Efficacy and residual effect of Illicium verum (star anise) and Pelargonium graveolens (rose geranium) essential oil on cat fleas Ctenocephalides felis felis
Giloy 📋38390130Tinospora cordifolia (Giloy): An insight on the multifarious pharmacological paradigms of a most promising medicinal ayurvedic herb
Ginger extract 📋25912592Can nausea and vomiting be treated with ginger extract?
Ginkgolic Acid 📋 36558920Pharmacological Activities of Ginkgolic Acids in Relation to Autophagy
Ginkgolides 📋 33254431Therapeutic promises of ginkgolide A: A literature-based review
Grapefruit 📋 26904169Bioactive Flavonoids, Antioxidant Behaviour, and Cytoprotective Effects of Dried Grapefruit Peels (Citrus paradisi Macf.)
Grapefruit Essential Oil 📋35143705Variation in compositions and biological activities of essential oils from four Citrus species: Citrus limon, Citrus sinensis, Citrus paradisi, and Citrus reticulata
Green Tea Polyphenols 📋30653316Recent Advances in the Understanding of the Health Benefits and Molecular Mechanisms Associated with Green Tea Polyphenols
Haskap 📋 37107325Health Benefits of Antioxidant Bioactive Compounds in the Fruits and Leaves of Lonicera caerulea L. and Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot
Hazelnut 📋 37299385Phytoextracts for Human Health from Raw and Roasted Hazelnuts and from Hazelnut Skin and Oil: A Narrative Review
Hemp Oil 📋31447137Clinicians' Guide to Cannabidiol and Hemp Oils
Holy Basil 📋25624701Tulsi - Ocimum sanctum: A herb for all reasons
Hops 📋35204124Antioxidants in Hops: Bioavailability, Health Effects and Perspectives for New Products
Horny Goat Weed 📋33915962A Placebo-Controlled, Pseudo-Randomized, Crossover Trial of Botanical Agents for Gulf War Illness: Reishi Mushroom ( Ganoderma lucidum), Stinging Nettle ( Urtica dioica), and Epimedium ( Epimedium sagittatum)
Hypericin 📋 34710555Anti-fatigue effect of hypericin in a chronic forced exercise mouse model
Isoliquiritigenin 📋 30443212Phytochemical and Pharmacological Role of Liquiritigenin and Isoliquiritigenin From Radix Glycyrrhizae in Human Health and Disease Models
Isorhamnetin 📋 32502837Isorhamnetin: A review of pharmacological effects
Jasmine 📋 34422079Development from Jasminum sambac Flower Extracts of Products with Floral Fragrance and Multiple Physiological Activities
Kale 📋 34961097Improving the Health-Benefits of Kales ( Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC) through the Application of Controlled Abiotic Stresses: A Review
Knotweed 📋36620922Advances for pharmacological activities of Polygonum cuspidatum - A review
Krill Oil 📋34836021Euphausia pacifica (North Pacific Krill): Review of Chemical Features and Potential Benefits of 8-HEPE against Metabolic Syndrome, Dyslipidemia, NAFLD, and Atherosclerosis
L-Citrulline 📋34894302Watermelon and L-Citrulline in Cardio-Metabolic Health: Review of the Evidence 2000-2020
L-Methionine 📋34700006Methionine as a double-edged sword in health and disease: Current perspective and future challenges
L-Proline 📋34291343Proline metabolism and redox; maintaining a balance in health and disease
Licochalcones 📋 35677438Role of Licochalcone A in Potential Pharmacological Therapy: A Review
Limonin 📋 31614806Limonin: A Review of Its Pharmacology, Toxicity, and Pharmacokinetics
Linalool 📋 34611674Recent updates on bioactive properties of linalool
Linoleic Acid 📋36079863Associations of Dietary Fats with All-Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality among Patients with Cardiometabolic Disease
Lion's Mane Mushrooms 📋32697746The use of Hericium erinaceus and Trametes versicolor extracts in supportive treatment in oncology
Liquiritigenin 📋 30443212Phytochemical and Pharmacological Role of Liquiritigenin and Isoliquiritigenin From Radix Glycyrrhizae in Human Health and Disease Models
Liquiritin 📋 35395381Pharmacological activities and pharmacokinetics of liquiritin: A review
Long Pepper 📋 36256521Piper longum L.: A comprehensive review on traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and health-promoting activities
Loquat 📋27929430Biological Activities of Extracts from Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.): A Review
Lychee 📋 34664581Litchi ( Litchi chinensis Sonn.): a comprehensive review of phytochemistry, medicinal properties, and product development
Madecassoside 📋 36756687Therapeutic properties and pharmacological activities of asiaticoside and madecassoside: A review
Magnolia 📋34400262The rich pharmacological activities of Magnolia officinalis and secondary effects based on significant intestinal contributions
Magnolol 📋 33815113Pharmacology, Toxicity, Bioavailability, and Formulation of Magnolol: An Update
Malvidin 📋 37447342Food Anthocyanins: Malvidin and Its Glycosides as Promising Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Agents with Potential Health Benefits
Mandarin Essential Oil 📋 35143705Variation in compositions and biological activities of essential oils from four Citrus species: Citrus limon, Citrus sinensis, Citrus paradisi, and Citrus reticulata
Mango Leaf 📋 33669341Mango ( Mangifera indica L.) Leaves: Nutritional Composition, Phytochemical Profile, and Health-Promoting Bioactivities
Marigold 📋37111369An Updated Review on the Multifaceted Therapeutic Potential of Calendula officinalis L
Marjoram 📋 32882360Traditional use, phytochemistry, toxicology, and pharmacology of Origanum majorana L
Marjoram Essential Oil 📋 36556347Origanum majorana Essential Oil-A Review of Its Chemical Profile and Pesticide Activity
Milk Thistle 📋33045827Health Benefits of Silybum marianum: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Applications
Minerals 📋 36437023Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Health and Diseases
Mint 📋 36235263Mentha: Nutritional and Health Attributes to Treat Various Ailments Including Cardiovascular Diseases
Modified Citrus Pectin 📋31683865Pleiotropic Effects of Modified Citrus Pectin
Mugwort 📋 32992959Significance of Artemisia Vulgaris L. (Common Mugwort) in the History of Medicine and Its Possible Contemporary Applications Substantiated by Phytochemical and Pharmacological Studies
Neem 📋 33927969Exploring the role of Azadirachta indica (neem) and its active compounds in the regulation of biological pathways: an update on molecular approach
Nimbolide 📋 33927969Exploring the role of Azadirachta indica (neem) and its active compounds in the regulation of biological pathways: an update on molecular approach
Nitrate 📋32735111Dietary Nitrate and Nitric Oxide Metabolism: Mouth, Circulation, Skeletal Muscle, and Exercise Performance
Noni 📋 34486338Efficacy of Noni ( Morinda citrifolia L.) Ethanolic Leaf Extract Against German Cockroach ( Blattella germanica L.)
Oak Bark 📋31717611Polyphenol Profile and Pharmaceutical Potential of Quercus spp. Bark Extracts
Oak Gall 📋38005770Phytochemical Profiling and Biological Activities of Quercus sp. Galls (Oak Galls): A Systematic Review of Studies Published in the Last 5 Years
Oleanolic Acid 📋 35276982Oleanolic Acid: Extraction, Characterization and Biological Activity
Olive 📋38704428Olive oil consumption is associated with lower cancer, cardiovascular and all-cause mortality among Italian adults: prospective results from the Moli-sani Study and analysis of potential biological mechanisms
Ollive Leaf extract 📋33670606Olive Tree in Circular Economy as a Source of Secondary Metabolites Active for Human and Animal Health Beyond Oxidative Stress and Inflammation
Orange Essential Oil 📋35143705Variation in compositions and biological activities of essential oils from four Citrus species: Citrus limon, Citrus sinensis, Citrus paradisi, and Citrus reticulata
Oregano 📋32789910Phytochemical constituents, biological activities, and health-promoting effects of the genus Origanum
Paeonol 📋 34443563Biological Activities of Paeonol in Cardiovascular Diseases: A Review
Parsley 📋 24660617Parsley: a review of ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and biological activities
Parsnip 📋 33833896Review of Pharmacological Properties and Chemical Constituents of Pastinaca sativa
Parthenolide 📋 37033622The therapeutic effect and mechanism of parthenolide in skeletal disease, cancers, and cytokine storm
PEA 📋34069940Palmitoylethanolamide: A Natural Compound for Health Management
Phloretin 📋 36079895Therapeutic Potential and Pharmaceutical Development of a Multitargeted Flavonoid Phloretin
Phosphorus 📋36904234Focusing on Phosphorus Loads: From Healthy People to Chronic Kidney Disease
Pine Needle Essential Oil 📋35906288Balsam fir (Abies balsamea) needles and their essential oil kill overwintering ticks (Ixodes scapularis) at cold temperatures
Pineapple 📋33233252Pineapple (Ananas comosus): A comprehensive review of nutritional values, volatile compounds, health benefits, and potential food products
Pomegranate Seed extract 📋 36076615Medicinal uses, pharmacological activities, phytochemistry, and the molecular mechanisms of Punica granatum L. (pomegranate) plant extracts: A review
Pomelo 📋 36276813The new exploration of pure total flavonoids extracted from Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. as a new therapeutic agent to bring health benefits for people
PQQ 📋34680074Pyrroloquinoline-Quinone Is More Than an Antioxidant: A Vitamin-like Accessory Factor Important in Health and Disease Prevention
Proanthocyanidins 📋 37237870Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins: An Updated Review of Their Natural Sources, Synthesis, and Potentials
Protein 📋35889862The Health Benefits of Egg Protein
Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate 📋38698865Associations of serum vitamin B6 status with the risks of cardiovascular, cancer, and all-cause mortality in the elderly
Quercitrin 📋 35253930Chemistry, pharmacokinetics, pharmacological activities, and toxicity of Quercitrin
Rapeseed Oil 📋 36839357A Comprehensive Review of Health-Benefiting Components in Rapeseed Oil
Rhubarb 📋 34981496A Review on the Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Therapeutic Effects of Rheum ribes
Rosavin 📋 37959831Rosavin: Research Advances in Extraction and Synthesis, Pharmacological Activities and Therapeutic Effects on Diseases of the Characteristic Active Ingredients of Rhodiola rosea L
Rose Essential Oil 📋 38222701Effect of aromatherapy with rose essential oil on the nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients: a randomized controlled trial
Sage 📋36059937Potential therapeutic applications of infusions and hydroalcoholic extracts of Romanian glutinous sage ( Salvia glutinosa L.)
Sage Essential Oil 📋 30905844Mitochondrial affectation, DNA damage and AChE inhibition induced by Salvia officinalis essential oil on Aedes aegypti larvae
Salvianolic Acid 📋 37765204Salvianolic Acid B: A Review of Pharmacological Effects, Safety, Combination Therapy, New Dosage Forms, and Novel Drug Delivery Routes
Sardine 📋 37143475Eating more sardines instead of fish oil supplementation: Beyond omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, a matrix of nutrients with cardiovascular benefits
Scutellarin 📋 38436812Current advances on the therapeutic potential of scutellarin: an updated review
Seafood 📋 38161129Association of seafood consumption with cardiovascular disease among adults in Qingdao, China
Sesamol 📋 33562414Lignans of Sesame ( Sesamum indicum L.): A Comprehensive Review
Shogaol 📋 36364288Ginger Constituent 6-Shogaol Attenuates Vincristine-Induced Activation of Mouse Gastroesophageal Vagal Afferent C-Fibers
Sirtuin Activators 📋 36581622The sirtuin family in health and disease
Skullcap 📋31236960Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. (Lamiaceae): a review of its traditional uses, botany, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology
Stigmasterol 📋 37137454A comprehensive update on phytochemistry, analytical aspects, medicinal attributes, specifications and stability of stigmasterol
Sunflower 📋 32994929Oilseed crop sunflower ( Helianthus annuus) as a source of food: Nutritional and health benefits
Syringic Acid 📋 38201840Nutraceutical Properties of Syringic Acid in Civilization Diseases-Review
Tannic Acid 📋36029537Pharmacological effects and mechanisms of tannic acid
Taro Root 📋 37571276Taro Roots: An Underexploited Root Crop
Terpenoids 📋 35498985Terpenes and terpenoids as main bioactive compounds of essential oils, their roles in human health and potential application as natural food preservatives
Theaflavins 📋 28747864Research progress on theaflavins: efficacy, formation, and preparation
Theobromine 📋24145871Health benefits of methylxanthines in cacao and chocolate
Trans-Resveratrol 📋 28911531Biological actions and molecular effects of resveratrol, pterostilbene, and 3'-hydroxypterostilbene
Valerian Root 📋36210806The potential of Valeriana as a traditional Chinese medicine: traditional clinical applications, bioactivities, and phytochemistry
Vitamin B12 📋8775094Vitamin B12 in health and disease: part I--inherited disorders of function, absorption, and transport
Vitamin K2 mk-4 📋 27477733[A New Horizon in Vitamin K Research]
Vitexin 📋 30627560A Brief Review on the Neuroprotective Mechanisms of Vitexin
Wasabi 📋 36510244Clinical effects of wasabi extract containing 6-MSITC on myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: an open-label trial
Water Chestnut 📋36349434Potent insecticidal activity of Eleocharis dulcis (Burm. f.) Trin peel extract and its main components against aphids
Watercress 📋34055006A Narrative Review on Therapeutic Potentials of Watercress in Human Disorders
Whey Protein 📋35335587Milk Whey Hydrolysates as High Value-Added Natural Polymers: Functional Properties and Applications
White Mushrooms 📋 36291298White Button Mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus) Supplementation Ameliorates Spatial Memory Deficits and Plaque Formation in an Amyloid Precursor Protein Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease
White Tea 📋 33977999Green and white teas as health-promoting foods
Wood Ear Mushrooms 📋 33543932Review on Auricularia auricula-judae as a Functional Food: Growth, Chemical Composition, and Biological Activities
Wormwood Essential Oil 📋 25317772Antimicrobial, antioxidative, and insect repellent effects of Artemisia absinthium essential oil
Yohimbine 📋 36263866A literature perspective on the pharmacological applications of yohimbine
Zingerone 📋 26106644A Review on Pharmacological Properties of Zingerone (4-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-butanone)
Zucchini 📋 28708122Role of Zucchini and Its Distinctive Components in the Modulation of Degenerative Processes: Genotoxicity, Anti-Genotoxicity, Cytotoxicity and Apoptotic Effects